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Body painting, panel painting, after collision repairs and painting.  Spot painting which will include one or more panels. As part of the spot-painting process to your repair job comes our standard finishing work. We make sure that adjacent panels are block sanded to ensure flawless surface for painting.  We also offer full body buffing to remove little imperfections to bring back the shine in your car.


All painting jobs and painting repairs can be done to same color or to change colors (LTO assistance for change color permit).



A complete restoration includes repair the body, trim, chrome, wheels, and the passenger compartment also the components that are not necessarily visible or otherwise evident, including the engine and engine compartment, trunk, frame, driveline, and all ancillary parts like the brakes, accessories, engine cooling system, electrical system, etc.  


Repairs are made to correct obvious problems, as well as for cosmetic reasons.

T-Tech offers body repairs, mechanical and electrical repairs, accommodating your needs and requests.  Body repairs include panel restoration, repairs of damage such as dents, dings, scratches and plastic and fiber glass repair. 




Check/replace the engine oil and replace oil filters, check/replace fuel filters, inspect or replace windshield wipers, check or refill windshield washer fluid, inspect tires for pressure and wear, tire balancing, tire rotation, wheel alignment, inspect or replace brake pads, check or flush brake fluid, check or flush transmission fluid, check or flush power steering fluid, check and flush engine coolant, inspect or replace spark plugs, inspect or replace air filter, inspect or replace timing belt and other belts, lubricate locks, latches, hinges, check all lights, tighten chassis nuts and bolts, check if rubber boots are cracked and need replacement, test electronics, e.g., Anti-lock braking system or ABS, read fault codes from the Engine control unit



Upgrades may include insstallation of newer safety components such as seat belts, brakes or using relays to reduce electric current flowing through light switches. Usability upgrades such as fitting intermittent wipers, an alternator instead of a dynamo, or electronic ignition system instead of contact breaker points ignition system. Upgrades that are easily reversible to the original condition.



Exterior detailing involves cleaning and restoring or exceeding the original condition of the surface of the car's finish (usually a paint with a glossy finish), chrome trim, windows, wheels, and tires, as well as other visible components on the exterior of a vehicle. Products include, but are not limited to: detergents and acid free degreasers (to break down dirt and soil), waxes and polishes (to resurface and then improve reflectivity), as well as a variety of applicators, brushes, and drying towels.

Interior detailing involves a deep cleaning of the whole interior cabin.  Different techniques and products are used to address cleaning these. Vacuuming is standard, and steam cleaning, liquid and foam chemicals, as well as brushes may be used to remove stains on upholstery. Some nonporous surfaces may also be polished.

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